Friday, August 19, 2016

Welcome to the Party

It is time for a formal introduction to the party.

We met as a survival instinct while defending a town from an attacking cult, half dragon, and full dragon included. Fortunately the full dragon was there only on recon, because we would have been absolutely annihilated. As it is, we are trudging along saving the world, one small favor at a time.

Trudging is the operative word.


Bromide of the Stoner Clan is a barbarian mountain dwarf. Once a guard of the town under duress, Bromide was sent with the rest of the party after their fighter was so ceremoniously decapitated. He was sent by the interim king after the tragic and untimely death of the true king.

Bromide wields primarily a greatsword, a primordial rage, and a terrible sense of initiative.


Lacking decent parenting, down to their terrible name choice, Skrillyn is a tall, slender half-elf. Following the incredibly powerful (in his own mind) deity Thomas the Frank, Skrillyn wishes to demonstrate the true powers of Thomas through serving and spreading the word as Thomas the Frank's only monk. For now.

Despite his above-average intelligence, Skrillyn makes a habit of getting off on the wrong foot in every peaceable encounter. To his dismay Dury continuously comes to the charismatic rescue.

Though skilled with a bow, Skrillyn aims to display Thomas' power with his fists. With one fist bare, and the other wrapped with studs, Skrillyn attempts to demonstrate power despite his wiry frame.


A lover of all hats, no matter the shape, size, or putrefaction. Some say Salar is a cunning and resourceful druid. Others say he is an idiot. Either way no death of a party member has been directly his fault, despite his best efforts.

In his standard form, Salar carries a staff and is usually seen with an eyepatch (despite perfect vision in both eyes), and wearing the crown of defeated foe and Chief Bullywug Pharblex Spattergoo. It is a fish head. When in battle form, Salar prefers to take the shape of an octopus, to the chagrin of all allied witness. Due to its grappling ability and amount of damage it can take, it has proven moderately useful thus far.


Dury is the party's mage and self-proclaimed potionmaker. His likability is unparalleled. His low intelligence is often countered by his 100% certainty of facts as he perceives them. Susceptible to the whims of the ether, Dury's wild magic has, among other things, caused him to hear faint music in battle, returned him to full hit points, and turned his skin blue.

Dury carries with him a staff, and a pouch containing trinkets and holy symbols of even the most obscure religions and deities.

Never shaken by the most daunting of opponents or tasks, Dury's optimism resonates with all in the party except Skrillyn, who is both baffled and awed by the flamboyant wizard.

Marching Order

Despite the existence of a raging barbarian and an incredible dexterous monk, the party has taken a primary battle order of Octopus, Barbarian, Monk, 30 feet of space, and Wizard. The frustration felt by Skrillyn of watching a fish out of water take his rightful place at the front, and for glory, is totally lost on Salar and especially Dury.

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